
2019年12月10日—New!TweakedDesign.PresettousewithSpotify.Useittocontrolplayback,viewcurrenttrack,changevolumeandvariousothershortcuts.,2021年10月28日—Sobasically,thePause/PlaycommandinsideofBetterTouchTooljustlaunchesapplemusicifroutedtothat....spotifyusingtheSendshortcut ...,2021年4月25日—Hi,I'mcurrentlyusingBTTwiththeGoldenChaospresetandwaswonderingifitwaspossibletoaddaLikeorAddtolikedsongsbu...


2019年12月10日 — New! Tweaked Design. Preset to use with Spotify. Use it to control playback, view current track, change volume and various other shortcuts.

2021 Macbook Pro PlayPause F8 button Spotify default

2021年10月28日 — So basically, the Pause/Play command inside of BetterTouchTool just launches apple music if routed to that. ... spotify using the Send shortcut ...

"Add to liked songs" button for Spotify

2021年4月25日 — Hi, I'm currently using BTT with the GoldenChaos preset and was wondering if it was possible to add a Like or Add to liked songs button ...

Action to control Spotify only

2019年3月8日 — Hello everyone.. I have small question. I want to make Trackpad Gesture or Keyboard Shortcut to Play/Pause for Spotify,

Control Spotify with keyboard shortcuts

Hi! I'm trying to control spotify(especially play and pause) with a keyboard shortcut. I'm unsing Apple Script, but nothing happens when i ...

2 Line Spotify Now Playing Widget

2023年10月22日 — Hello everyone, I need a Spotify Now Playing widget with two lines that only works when Spotify is open. I took Aqua Touch's Spotify widget ...

How to set the now playing widget to just spotify?

2019年5月28日 — BetterTouchTool Community · How to set the now playing widget to just ... If you want only spotify you'd need to create a apple script based ... - erichunzekerBetterTouchTool

Display current song playing on spotify. Contribute to erichunzeker/BetterTouchTool-Spotify development by creating an account on GitHub.

[軟體分享]在touch bar上顯示歌詞!

2021年4月29日 — 這個軟體能在App store上找到,它是一套能夠支援iTunes、Spotify、Vox ... BetterTouchTool上,BetterTouchTool的安裝設定就不多贅述了,說不定哪天我 ...